ATTENTION: Highlands is CLOSED temporarily for IN-PERSON treatments from late-Feb until approx mid-March due to surgery, recovery, and rebab. Light treatments are likely to be available again from mid-March (Reiki, sound bath, somatic therapy, meditation, ASMR, breathwork, tarot, sauna, spray tanning ect) with heavier treatments (all massages) likely to be available again from May. Please see the FB page for up-to-date news regarding this. The online store will remain open (email tarot readings, crystal necklaces/rings, tarot/oracle decks, spiritual books, art prints, incenses ect).

Covid-19 Information


Information for clients:

Massage/Reiki/Wood Therapy healing all involve maintained touch and close physical proximity over an extended period of time.There may be an elevated risk of disease transmission, including COVID-19.

I have always maintained the highest of hygiene protocols in my healing practice, but moving forward during this time of COVID-19, my policies and procedures may change slightly.

Following a full risk assessment of my practice, you’ll notice the following changes.  I will:

  • Screen all clients with a COVID-19 screening before every appointment. I cannot provide services to individuals who present with flu-like symptoms or are feverish, or have traveled overseas/or in Australian hot spots, or been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
  • Suggest you reconsider your need for massage/reiki/sauna at this time if you are in one of the defined high risk categories for COVID-19 complications.
  • Modify services when needed to reduce the risk (eg. by reducing the length and frequency of the service)
  • Have removed all carpeted areas and replaced with hard flooring, to maintain mopping and disinfecting between each client.
  • Have removed all non-washable items from the treatment room (foam underlay, doonas, cushions ect)
  • Keep doors and windows in the clinic open where possible.
  • Ensure separation of at least 1.5 metres whilst clients are awaiting service.
  • Have spaced client appointments to ensure no one is ever in the waiting room while I'm in a treatment.
  • Always use a hand sanitiser before and after providing the service, or wash hands with soap and water.
  • Ask you to use a hand sanitiser before you enter the clinic.
  • Wear a surgical mask where required, and if it is warranted from the risk assessment for the individual treatment, I may request you do the same.
  • Use a new mask for each client.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces touched by the client immediately after the service has been provided.
  • Clean and disinfect any equipment used at the end of the treatment session.
  • Request if you ANY symptoms that you do not attend the studio and cancel your appointment. During this time, cancellation fees will be waived if you do cancel for medical reasons.
  • Card payments are preferred, to prevent any cash handling where possible.
  • Review local transmission data on a daily basis, and if it is warranted based on my risk assessment, I may choose to cancel bookings and pause my practice again until it is deemed to be safe to reopen again.

As always, all linens are laundered as per industry standards, and disposables used in the treatment room are single use only and they are removed and disposed of as per industry standards after every treatment.

I have completed the following:

-Government Approved 'Covid Safe Checklist: Personal Services ( Beauty, nails, Massage (therapeutic and non-therapeutic), Tanning, Tattoo Parlours, Spas, Saunas, and Bathhouses'

-'Covid Safe Work Training for Beauty, nails, Tanning, Tattoo Parlours, and Spas' through Tafe Queensland.